
ping tung

t it together, Ping Tung!

My husband and I went for lunch yesterday, and the service was terrible and slow despite there only being a few tables seated. We sat inside, where the hostess/waitress took our order. Although she was friendly, we suspect she forgot to enter our order because we waited, and waited, and waited until I asked her to check on our food. At the time, only one other table came in (who waited a long time to order), so I couldn't compare and tell if the kitchen was just slow (which it seems like they were). After a while, the waitress came back offering two cups of hot and sour soup on the house for the long wait, which was a nice gesture. Finally, after 40 minutes of waiting, the first dish arrived and it was wrong! We didn't even order it nor did we want it! Finally the dishes started coming out slowly, and we had to ask for the staff to check on our final dish.  An hour to receive scallion pancakes? That's ridiculous, the restaurant wasn't even busy. Not to mention, going for dim sum is usually quick because the dishes are prepared ahead of time and steamed/fried upon ordering. 

The food itself was okay - better than I expected for a restaurant that serves different types of Asian food.  The shrimp dumplings and mushroom dumplings were both good, but the wrapper was the thick & sticky type that gets stuck to the basket and falls apart easily. The radish cakes were nicely pan-fried to a crispy brown, but the scallion pancakes were an overly salty disappointment (I think this may have been the first scallion pancake that I didn't like). 

Overall the experience wasn't good, and I probably won't be back based on how unattentive and slow the service was.
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金ぴかiPhoneがでるのかな? 次期iPhoneの話題がチラホラしてきましたね。金ぴかのiPhoneがでるらしいという記事を 見つけたのでお知らせ アップル、「シャンパンのような」金色の新 iPhone を来月発表へ (AllThingsD) 金塊のような金色ではなく、シャンパンゴールドのようです。本物が出てみないと分からないですが 良いかもしれませんね。 発売直後は当然買えないのです。。。。一年まちになるのかな。 つぶやいてもいます アカウント:KeitaiBancho Facebookにファンページを作りました

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test 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus facilisis nulla at odio vestibulum, ut accumsan mauris venenatis. Fusce metus nisl, lacinia at elit eget, pharetra consectetur tortor. Suspendisse iaculis varius ante, tincidunt lacinia urna sollicitudin eget. Maecenas elementum condimentum scelerisque. Mauris pharetra varius velit, quis sodales sem condimentum ut. Proin augue odio, volutpat at diam et, varius feugiat nunc. Duis mi dui, euismod scelerisque diam quis, vulputate sodales eros. Sed at mi a velit hendrerit aliquet eu vitae quam.

Suspendisse pulvinar mi at ullamcorper luctus. Donec non vestibulum libero, eu congue ligula. Quisque quis viverra eros, ultricies consequat mi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas vitae urna eget arcu dictum imperdiet vitae sed felis. Nullam vel tristique mi. Sed iaculis rutrum odio, a interdum nisi tincidunt ac. Donec nulla augue, pulvinar ut placerat vel, lacinia nec velit. Cras sagittis lorem ac augue vehicula pretium.

Nunc ut faucibus lectus. Phasellus pellentesque velit a urna euismod, luctus ultrices urna mattis. Morbi facilisis magna sapien, id fermentum risus porttitor eget. Praesent sagittis facilisis ipsum, non euismod sem consectetur at. Aliquam in dapibus nisi. Donec et volutpat eros. Pellentesque sollicitudin, enim eu adipiscing gravida, felis tortor posuere lectus, et sollicitudin felis ligula eget lectus. Morbi euismod, nisi et consectetur convallis, magna elit iaculis velit, vel hendrerit erat mi quis nunc. Nulla quis laoreet est. Suspendisse eget enim urna. Nulla aliquet, eros ac rutrum placerat, erat arcu tempus ante, eget molestie justo arcu in mi. Ut a neque nisl. Suspendisse consectetur dolor eu rutrum rhoncus. Vestibulum gravida leo arcu, sit amet pellentesque purus interdum a.

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レイアウト テンプレートの <body> セクションは、主にいくつかのセクションとウィジェットで構成されています。セクションは、ページ内にあるサイドバー、フッターなどの領域を表しており、 一方、ウィジェットは、画像、ブログロールなど、[ページ要素] タブで追加できる個々のページ要素のことをいいます。テンプレート内のセクション間には、任意の HTML を挿入することができます。
<b:section id='header' class='header' maxwidgets="1" showaddelement="no">

<b:section> タグでは、次の属性を指定できます。  
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『ルー・ドワイヨン(Lou Doillon)がお人形に大変身』バーニーズニューヨークの広告キャンペーン


生まれも育ちもまさしくセレブなルー・ドワイヨン(Lou Doillon)。

ルー・ドワイヨン(Lou Doillon)バーニーズの広告キャンペーンに抜擢

デザイナーショナ・ヒース(Shona Heath)がバーニーズニューヨークの2013年秋キャンペーンの為、手がけたという等身大とビックサイズなルー・ドワイヨン(Lou Doillon)のレプリカマリオネット。
普通に見ていても愛くるしい人形のようなルー・ドワイヨン(Lou Doillon)とレプリカ人形、

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